Thursday, October 17, 2019


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Mohamed Rafik: I am vijay fan but it's so funny especially good morning coach kubeer sirippu


Final touchЁЯдгЁЯдгЁЯдгЁЯдгVera level ЁЯФеЁЯФеЁЯФеЁЯФеЁЯФеЁЯФе

Nanum thalapathy fan than bro unga videos correct set airukuu but intha mathiri videos Ku lam like podamudiyathu

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bigil - Verithanam Lyric Video (Tamil) | Thalapathy Vijay, Nayanthara | A.R Rahman | Atlee | AGS

Watch the Bigil tamil movie Verithanam Lyric Video in Tamil. Thalapathy Vijay, Nayanthara, A.R Rahman, Atlee, and AGS

Movie - Bigil Song - Verithanam Singers - Thalapathy Vijay Lyrics - Vivek Music - A.R. Rahman Starring - Vijay, Nayanthara, Jackie Shroff, Vivek, Kathir Directed by Atlee DOP - G K Vishnu Producer - Kalpathi S. Aghoram Banner - AGS Entertainment Musicians Guitars - Keba Jeremiah Shenai - Balesh Live Rhythms - V Kumar, T Raja, Vedha, Lakshmi Narayanan, Raju, Vikram, Hariprasadh, Ranjit Additional Vocals - Sangeetha, Poovaiya, Kaka Bala, KR Arjun, Rakthaksh Backing Vocals - Veena Murali, Deepthi Suresh, Abinaya, Ala B Bala, Sowmya, Soundarya, Lavita Lobo Choral Arrangement - Arjun Chandy Additional Programming and Arrangement - T R Krishna Chetan, Kumaran Sivamani, Santosh Dhayanidhi Sound Engineers Panchathan Record Inn, Chennai - Suresh Permal, Karthik Sekaran, Suryansh, Barath, Riyasdeen AM Studios, Chennai - Sivakumar S, Kannan Ganpat, Pradeep Menon, Krishnan, Manoj Raman, Aravind MS Mixed By T R Krishna Chetan Mastered by Suresh Permal MFiT - S Sivakumar Musicans Co ordinator - TM Faizuddin, Abdul Haiyum, Siddique Musican Fixer - Samiurai R

Bigil Verithanam Song Lyric in Tamil

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Bigil Verithanam Song Lyric in English

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bigil - Official Trailer | Thalapathy Vijay, Nayanthara | A.R Rahman | Atlee | AGS | Sony Music South

Bigil - Official Trailer | Thalapathy Vijay, Nayanthara | A.R Rahman | Atlee | AGS | Sony Music South

Time to shatter records! #Thalapathy's explosive #BigilTrailer is right here! Loaded with everything unimaginable, the biggest trailer of the year arrives now! Directed by #Atlee, this #ARRahman musical hits screens for Diwali 2019! #PodraVediya now for this festival produced by AGS Entertainment!


Movie - Bigil Music - A.R. Rahman Starring - Vijay, Nayanthara, Jackie Shroff, Vivek, Kathir Directed by Atlee DOP - G K Vishnu Edited by Ruben Producer - Kalpathi S. Aghoram Banner - AGS Entertainment Sound Engineers Audiography – Tapas Nayak Additional Programming and Arrangement - T R Krishna Chetan, Jim Satya, Pawan CH Additional Rhythm Arrangement - Kumaran Sivamani Panchathan Record Inn, Chennai Suresh Permal, Karthik Sekaran, Suryansh, Riyasdeen Music Mix – Pradvay Sivashankar Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.

BIGIL: Sandy's Verithanam Dance Performance with his daughter Lala!! | Thalapathy Vijay

Bigil is an Atlee movie and AR Rahman Musical. Vijay is playing a role of football coach. The players shout as Good Morning Coach with josh. Vijay appears in 3 different faces. The trailer depicts that a rowdy turned to be a foot ball coach.

The film has been formed in the Atlee-Vijay Alliance after Theri and Mersal. The film, which focuses on women's soccer, stars Nayanthara, Yogi Babu, Vivek, Kadir, Jackie Sheraf and Daniel Balaji.

AR Rahman has composed the film which is being produced by AGS Entertainment. Fans have been waiting for the trailer as the songs from the recently released Pigil have been well received among the fans. The band is currently releasing the trailer to meet fans' expectations.

The 2 minute 41 seconds long trailer features Vijay's punchy verses and stunning fight scenes. Twitter has topped 1 million likes on YouTube in the first hour of its release, and Twitter has topped India-wide trending.

KJR Studios has released a comment on its Twitter page, with many commenting on their Twitter page.

Keywords Related to Bigil Official Trailer

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The Bigil Trailer is set to hit a record 1 million likes in less than an hour. The third film in the Vijay-Adli alliance, Pigil, was widely anticipated by fans. Expectations began to rise after the first name of the film was also announced. While the teaser delay has caused fans displeasure, with the release of Bigg for Diwali, the trailer, which is currently being released as Mass, has rocked fans. Atli travels in three dimensions ... Theri is a character who travels in three dimensions while Vijay is a character. Likewise, Vijay will play three roles in Mersal. Now that it has been confirmed that Vijay will be playing two roles in Pikil, fans will be curious as to which of the three roles is currently available. In the trailer, the father of Vijay, Rayappan, the character is all this proud .. Maikkalalaya? Isn't Big ... That says. So it is interesting that fans may have three characters in the film. While the movie was supposed to be two characters in Mersal, Vijay came out with a third for the fans who watched the film. Can we expect such a twist? If that is the case, wait for it .. The crew will reply .. So, let's wait ... Atlee Guillady in showcasing romance scenes with comedy. That way, Samantha and Nithya Menon's love affair with Vijay in Adli's past films have been mixed. Although Nayanthara has only two scenes in the Bigil trailer, the scenes are sure to be romance and comedy. Yojibabu Nayanthara brother is sure to get a whistle sound on the screen. Nunjak cleaner Vijay in the light of the night lights, elderly Vijay landing stylishly with a knife in the car, Vijay flying at 100km on the bike, fighters on the bike, the crowd in the night at the Marina Napier Bridge to cheer the fans on the bike. But the fight scenes in the trailer were all over the night. There were important fight scenes at Theri and Mersal before the break. Atle with no sentimental views ...? In the trailer, there are scenes and subtitles that make the obese girl feel sorry for the poor girl and the poor girl on the football team. So, the sentimental scenes are definitely in these films. There have been reports from reliable sources that people who are light-hearted are good at keeping handkerchiefs. Only punch subtitles for father Vijay in the movie are in the trailer. Bigil's stunning footballer footage and the women's football match are set to be the main scenes of the trailer, boosting expectations for the film. Vijay fans will celebrate the film no matter what ... but there is a fan base for the Atli-Vijay combo. All of Adli's films so far have been celebrated by people from all walks of life. The trailer tells Aurud that the movie will be like that too. When Dad Vijay is in the old Ambassador car at night time, the knife-riding roundabout slammed into the car. The trio can feel the music of the moment with the winning trophy in hand. AR Rahman can be sure that the music will evoke key moments .. Vivek and Yogi Babu will be sure to make the film comedy. Watching the Beagle trailer, you can guess the movie's story like this ... Rayappan is the father of Biggie Vij, a football fanatic. He is the people's leader in the north. With the efforts of Rayappan Vijay, Michael Vijay has been in the Indian team amidst many crises. Then, he becomes the coach of the Indian team and heads up the women's team ... We can be ready to leave the theater after listening to the singing song of the Indian women's team who will win the final. You can guess the film's screenplay layout like this ... At the beginning of the film, there is some confrontation between Michael Vijay, who is the coach of the Indian women's team and the Hinduja, a hero of the team. Overcoming that, Michelle coaches the girls team. However, Induja's anger at Michael did not diminish. An impatient Hinduja to a rowdy and a sportsman

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Revathy | Sun TV | Episode 4 | Vision Time

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Revathy | Sun TV | Episode 4 | Vision Time

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Revathy | Sun TV | Episode 3 | Vision Time

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Revathy | Sun TV | Episode 3 | Vision Time

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Sun TV | Episode 2 | Vision Time

Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Sun TV | Episode 2 | Vision Time

Azhagu - Azhagu - роЕро┤роХு - Tamil Serial | Sun TV | Episode 1 | Vision Time

Azhagu, Azhagu, роЕро┤роХு, Tamil Serial, Sun TV, | Episode 1, Vision Time

Azhagu is the story of a soft & kind hearted woman's bonding with her husband & children. Do watch out for this beautiful family entertainer starring Revathy as Azhagu, Sruthi raj as Sudha, Thalaivasal Vijay, Mithra Kurian, Lokesh Baskaran & several others.